Negaunee Public Schools

May 17, 2004



Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Negaunee Public Schools, City of Negaunee, County of Marquette, and State of Michigan, held on May 17, 2004, at the Negaunee High School Library.


Members Present: Fae Collins, Art Gischia, Dan Hintsala, Osmond T. Kemp, Virginia Paulson,

                              Dave Rice, and Marty Saari


Members Absent:  None


Administrators Present:

James Derocher, Superintendent

Bob Trebilcock, Middle School Principal

Ron Saari, Lakeview School Principal

Mary Kay Johnson, Administrative Aide for Finance

Marcia Manninen, Transportation Supervisor


Others Present:    Diane M. Faust, Marilyn Kahl, Tom Larson, Sandy Larson, Louis Gitto, Marcia Gitto, Steve Turri, Tori Sager, Tina OÕBrien, Dave Hallgren, Mike Mileski, Betty Nelson, Marcus Nelson, Bryan Nelson, Joanne Hill, Tiffany Sirtola, Bryanna Black, Allyson Tincknell, Cindy Sirtola, Duane Sirtola, Tristan Palomaki, Jan Koehs, Linda K. Rosten, Cathy L. Baldini, Mike Bath, Marissa DelAngelo, Greg Casperson, and Gregg Nelson.



175.      The meeting was called to order by President Art Gischia at 7:00 p.m. 


176.      A quorum of the board was established.


177.      Motion by M. Saari, supported by D. Rice, to approve the agenda with the following addition:


185. New Business- M.  Transportation Van

  Motion carried 7-0.


178.      Public Comment-


            Marilyn Kahl, from the National Dance Association Honor Society, reviewed an information brochure.


            The following individuals addressed the Board and supported Gregg Nelson, as the GirlsÕ Varsity Basketball Coach:


Bryan Nelson, Joanne Hill, Dave Hallgren, Cindy Sirtola, Linda K. Rosten, Steve Turri, Duane Sirtola, Betty Nelson, and Tiffany Sirtola.


179.      Motion by V. Paulson, supported by F.  Collins, to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 26, 2004, Motion carried 7-0.


180.      Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by M. Saari, to approve the Consent Items as presented.  Motion carried 7-0.


181.      Payment of Bills and Financial Reports


A.         Motion by F. Collins, supported by D. Hintsala, to approve payment of bills totaling $157,613.98.  Motion carried 7-0.


B.         Received the financial report from the Administrative Aide for Finance, Mary Kay Johnson.

182.      Written reports were received from the Community Education Director and Health Coordinator.  Oral reports were received from Bob Trebilcock, Middle School Principal, Ron Saari, Lakeview School Principal, and Superintendent Derocher.


183.      Correspondence - None


184.      Old Business- None


185.      New Business:


A.         Marilyn Kahl and Superintendent Derocher presented Tristan Palomaki an award from the Marquette County SheriffÕs Department for Safe and Drug Free Schools.


Jan Koehs was also the recipient of the 2004 Safe and Drug Free Schools Award of Excellence and was selected as the overall winner from the Upper Peninsula.  Jan was presented with a plaque and a check for $100.   No action necessary.           


B.         Motion by F. Collins, supported by M. Saari, to move into closed session at 7:50 p.m., per the request of an employee, to discuss an employee evaluation.  Motion carried 7-0.


            President Gischia moved the Board into open session at 8:54 p.m.  No action necessary.


C.         Motion by M. Saari, supported by D. Hintsala, to appoint Dave Rice to represent the Negaunee Board of Education at the Marquette-Alger Regional Educational Service AgencyÕs Annual Budget Hearing on May 26, 2004.  Motion carried 7-0.


D.         Motion by V. Paulson, supported by F. Collins, to appoint Mary Kay Johnson, Administrative Aide for Finance to supervise elections.  Motion carried 7-0.


E.         Motion by O. Kemp, supported by F. Collins, to approve the Resolution to Appoint the Election Inspectors as follows:  City of Negaunee-Patricia Hill, Chairperson, Darla Dompierre, Corinne Valella, and Mary Weldum.  Negaunee Township-Jeanette Manty, Chairperson, Martha Hintsala, and Judy Soine. Richmond Township-Jean Ayotte, Chairperson, Patricia Korpi, and Grace Hietila.  Motion carried 7-0.


F.         Motion by D. Hintsala, supported O. Kemp, to approve participation in Section 105 and 105 C, Schools of Choice program for the 2004-05 school year.  The administration

            will list the available openings of each grade level.  Motion carried 7-0.


G.         Motion by F. Collins, supported by D. Hintsala, to approve the awarding of diplomas pending completion of all requirements per Board Policy.    Bob Bonetti, High School Principal, submitted a list of 106 students.  Motion carried 7-0.


H.         Motion by F. Collins, supported by D. Hintsala, to schedule the following meeting dates:


                        The Annual Budget Hearing meeting will be held on June 21st beginning at 6:30 p.m. 


                        The Re-organizational meeting will be held on July 19 starting at 7:00 p.m.  Motion 

                        carried 7-0.


I.          Motion by D. Rice, supported by O. Kemp, to award the districtsÕ school picture bids to Lifetouch National Studio per their bid.  Motion carried 7-0.


J.          Motion by V. Paulson, supported by D. Rice, to appoint Patricia Juidici to the position of a secretary at the Negaunee Middle School.  Motion carried 7-0.


K.         Motion by F. Collins, supported by V. Paulson, to approve the lay-off of the following employees:  Joy Oslund, Eric Prusi, Ron Saari, and Carol Romback.  Motion carried 7-0.


L          Motion by F. Collins, supported by M. Saari, to approve the administrative contracts as recommended by the Administrative Committee.  Motion carried 7-0.


M.        Motion by O. Kemp, supported by V. Paulson, to approve the purchase of a 2002 Chevrolet Express Van from Ideal Auto in the amount of $14,200.  Motion carried 7-0.


186.        Public Comment – None


187.        Other Business – None


188.        Motion by O. Kemp, supported by F. Collins, to adjourn the meeting at 9:43 p.m.  Motion

              carried 7-0.



             ______________________________                   ________________________________

               Art Gischia, President                                        Dave Rice, Secretary