Negaunee Public Schools

January 20, 2003



Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Negaunee Public Schools, City of Negaunee, County of Marquette, and State of Michigan, held on January 20, 2003, at the Negaunee High School.


Members Present: Fae Collins, Art Gischia, Dan Hintsala, George Kaiser, Osmond T. Kemp, and Virginia Paulson 


Members Absent: Martin Saari


Administrators Present:

James Derocher, Superintendent

Bob Bonetti, High School Principal

Bob Trebilcock, Middle School Principal

Ron Saari, Lakeview School Principal

Paulette Patron, Special Education Coordinator

Lorraine Johnson, Administrative Aide for Finance

Julie Dompierre, Recording Secretary


Others Present:  Greg Casperson, Lisa Cory, Diane Faust, Kathy Houghton, Mike Lenten and Barb Oglesby


106.   The meeting was called to order by President Dan Hintsala at 7:04 p.m. 


107.   A quorum of the board was established.


108.    Motion by V. Paulson, supported by F. Collins, to approve the agenda with the following addition:  116. New Business - L.   Employee Request for Unpaid Leave of Absence  Motion carried 6-0.


109.   Public Comment - None


110.   Motion by G. Kaiser, supported by O. Kemp, to approve the minutes of the regular board     

         meeting of December 16, 2002.  Motion carried 6-0.


111.   Motion by A. Gischia, supported by F. Collins, to approve the consent items as presented.     

         Motion carried 6-0.


112.   Payment of Bills and Financial Reports


         A.      Motion by G. Kaiser, supported by F. Collins, to approve payment of bills totaling                                $213,829.17.  Motion carried 6-0.


         B.      Received the financial report from the Administrative Aide for Finance, Lorraine Johnson.


113.   Written reports were received from the Community Education Director and Health  

         Coordinator.  Oral reports were given by Bob Bonetti, High School Principal, Bob

         Trebilcock, Middle School Principal , Ron Saari, Lakeview School Principal, Paulette

         Patron, Special Education Coordinator and Superintendent Derocher. 


114.   Correspondence:


The Board received letters from the following students, concerning various school policies:


Derek Sundberg wrote suggesting the Board review the method used to calculate grade point averages.


Taryn Gleason and Dawn JokinenÕs letters requested the elimination of study hall.  This would enable the school day to be shortened from seven to six periods.


Cindy Sundell was concerned with the way exams are scheduled.  She feels there is too much stress involved by having testing done in a three day period.  


Erika Etelamaki and KC Martens asked for a policy change in the dress code.  They would like to have a revision in the unnatural hair color section.


JinHee Hayward would like to have the hot lunch menu changed, allowing for a wider variety of food.


Sarah J. Helton would like to bring attention to a policy, which states a student must complete 22 credit hours and stay in school for four years.  Sarah would like to eliminate the mandatory four year high school requirement.   She would like to give students the opportunity to graduate based on credits obtained.


Tara Prusi suggested switching the starting time of the High School with the Lakeview School students.  She feels younger children do not require as much sleep as older students.


A letter was received from the Negaunee Invitational Basketball Tournament Director, John Basolo, requesting the use of the Lakeview Gymnasium for the dates of March 28th through April 27, 2003.


Letters of resignation were received from Nicole Gasper, Middle School boyÕs track coach and Michelle Lammi, Middle School girlÕs track coach.


115.   Old Business:


         A.  Superintendent Derocher informed the Board that Richmond Township has declined to

              submit a bid for the Pineview School, at this time.  The Superintendent has authorized the

              building to be winterized.  No action necessary. 


              The Peninsula Arts Appreciation Council requested a donation of any excess furniture and

              equipment from the Pineview School, which could be used in the restoration of the Vista

              Theater.  Superintendent Derocher did suggest that the carpeting remain in the building.                             No action necessary.


         B.  Superintendent Derocher discussed the completed projection enrollment report,

               compiled by Data Driven Decisions, Inc. (Don Mourand).  No action necessary.


116.      New Business:


A.         Motion by A. Gischia, supported by F. Collins, to approve the amended 2002-03 General Fund budget, to reflect revenues of $11,219,996 and expenditures of $11,130,611.  A Fund Balance transfer of $89,385 was approved, leaving a total of $652,574, in the Fund Balance account.  Motion carried 6-0.


B.          Motion by V. Paulson, supported by O. Kemp, to retain the firm of Thrun, Maatsch and Nordberg, P.C., to serve as the school attorneys for the 2003 school year.  Motion carried 6-0.     


C.         Motion by F. Collins, supported by A. Gischia, to approve entering into an energy savings contract with M-TEC.  Motion carried 6-0.


D.         Motion by V. Paulson, supported by G. Kaiser, to approve the changes in the 2003-04 Course Description Book for the Negaunee High School.  Motion carried 6-0.


E.          Motion by A. Gischia, supported by O. Kemp, to approve the following staff  appointment:  Katie Sorenson - Early On Aide - Negaunee Middle School.  Motion carried 6-0.       


F.          Motion by V. Paulson, supported by F. Collins, to approve the Schedule B appointment of Jenny Villaneux, as a volunteer assistant volleyball coach.  Motion carried 6-0.

G.         Superintendent Derocher informed the Board of a need to change the April board meeting date to Tuesday, April 29, 2003.  No action necessary           


H.         The Board was reminded of a workshop to be held on Thursday, February 13, 2003, at the Negaunee High School Library, starting at 7:00 p.m.  No action necessary.


I.           The Board received a letter of resignation from Rev. George Kaiser.  Retired board member Mike Lenten and Rev. Kaiser were presented with  Certificates of  Appreciation for their years of  service to the Negaunee Public Schools.                   


J.           Board President Hintsala distributed to the Board members the Superintendent Evaluation form.  No action necessary.


K.         Superintendent Derocher distributed to the Board members Certificates of Appreciatio in recognition of their commitment to education.  No action necessary


L.          Motion by V. Paulson, supported by O. Kemp, to approve a fifteen day unpaid leave of absence for Kathy Dodge.  Motion carried 6-0.


117.   Public Comment - None


118.   Other Business - None 


119.   Motion by A. Gischia, supported by F. Collins, to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m.  Motion carried  6-0.



         ______________________________            ________________________________

         Dan Hintsala, President                                            Fae Collins, Secretary