Negaunee Public Schools
March 19, 2007
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
the Board of Education, Negaunee Public Schools, City of Negaunee, County of
Marquette, and State of Michigan, held on
March 19, 2007, at the Negaunee
High School Library.
Members Present: Fae Collins, Dan Hintsala, Osmond T. Kemp,
Virginia Paulson, Martin
Renaldi, Dave Rice and Martin Saari
Member Absent: None
Administrators Present:
James Derocher, Superintendent
Bob Bonetti, High School Principal
Dan Skewis, Middle School
Joe Meyskens, Lakeview School
Interim Principal
Mary Kay Johnson, Administrative
Aide for Finance
Julie Dompierre, Recording
120. The meeting was called to order by President
Martin Saari at 7:00 p.m.
121. A quorum of the board was established.
122. Motion by M. Renaldi, supported by O. Kemp, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
123. Public Comment - None
124. Motion by D. Rice, supported by V. Paulson,
to approve the minutes of the
meeting and closed session held on February 19, 2007. Motion carried 7-0.
125. Motion by O. Kemp, supported by F. Collins, to approve the Consent Items as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
126. Payment of Bills and Financial Reports:
A. Motion
by V. Paulson, supported by D. Hintsala, to approve the payment of bills
totaling $434,377.49. Motion
carried 7-0.
Received the Financial Report
from the Administrative Aide for Finance, Mary Kay Johnson.
127. A written report was received from the Community Education Director. Oral reports were received from Bob Bonetti, High School Principal, Dan Skewis, Middle School Principal, Joe Meyskens, Lakeview School Interim Principal, and Superintendent Derocher.
128. Correspondence
- None
129. Old Business - None
A. Motion
by F. Collins, supported by D. Hintsala, to approve the Negaunee High School
graduation requirements and the High School Curriculum Guide for the 2007-08
school year along with the curriculum changes for the mathematics courses at
the Middle School. Motion carried
B. Motion by V. Paulson, supported by O. Kemp, to appoint Martin Renaldi as the district representative at the MARESA Annual Budget Hearing on April 18, 2007. Motion carried 7-0.
C. Superintendent Derocher and the Board discussed the district special education report submitted by Lynne Miettinen, Special Education Coordinator. No action necessary.
D. Motion by F. Collins, supported by M. Renaldi, to name Sue Scott and Wendy Beacco as the Teachers of the Year for the 2006-07 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
E. Superintendent Derocher informed the Board that he had received a letter of retirement from Dale Kangas, Bus Driver. The Superintendent also sent a letter of appreciation to Mr. Kangas. No action necessary.
F. Superintendent Derocher informed the Board the he had received a letter of resignation from Kevin Jacobson, Boys Tennis Head Coach. The Superintendent also sent out a letter of appreciation to Mr. Jacobson. No action necessary.
G. Motion by V. Paulson, supported by D. Rice, to renew the following administrative contracts through the 2008-09 school year:
Robert Bonetti, High School Principal
Dan Skewis, Middle School Principal
Lynne Miettinen, Special Education Coordinator
Mark Marana, High School Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Paul Jacobson, Assistant Principal
Derek Cardinal, Assistant Principal
Also, the Board approved the continuation of Joe Meyskens contact, with North Star Staffing, for the 2007-08 school year.
H. President Saari reviewed Superintendent DerocherŐs evaluation. Motion by F. Collins, supported by O. Kemp, to renew the 5-year contract through 2011-12 school year for Superintendent Derocher.
I. Motion
by D. Rice, supported by O. Kemp, to move into Executive Session at 8:22
p.m. Motion carried 7-0.
Saari moved the meeting back into open session at 9:09 p.m.
by D. Rice, supported by O. Kemp, to offer no increase in salary to the
Superintendent for the 2007-08 school year, setting the salary at $98,000. Motion carried 7-0.
131. Public Comment - None
132. Other Business:
The Board and Superintendent Derocher discussed options the Board will be evaluating in the next month as to personnel decisions necessary to meet the needs of the school district for the 2007-08 school year. The Teacher Tenure Law and Master Agreement language make it necessary to notify staff of any layoff prior to May 1, 2007.
133. Motion by F. Collins, supported by O. Kemp, to adjourn the meeting at
9:39 p.m. Motion carried 7-0.
_______________________________ ________________________________
Marty Saari, President Fae Collins, Secretary