Negaunee Public Schools
April 29, 2003
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Negaunee Public Schools, City of Negaunee, County of Marquette, and State of Michigan, held on April 29, 2003, at the Negaunee High School.
Members Present:  Fae Collins, Art Gischia, Dan Hintsala, Virginia Paulson, Dave Rice, and  Martin Saari
Member Absent: Osmond T. Kemp
Administrators Present:
James Derocher, Superintendent
Bob Bonetti, High School Principal
Ron Saari, Lakeview School Principal
Paulette Patron, Special Education Coordinator
Lorraine Johnson, Administrative Aide for Finance
Julie Dompierre, Recording Secretary
Others Present: David Anderson, Jesse Anderson, Kevin Bell, Greg Casperson, Ged Dempsey, Jay Frusti, Adam Kauppila, John Meier, and Ben Stanaway.
170.   The meeting was called to order by President Dan Hintsala at 7:00 p.m. 
171.   A quorum of the board was established.
172.   Motion by F. Collins, supported by M. Sarri, to approve the agenda with the following addition: 180. New Business, Q. Executive Session - Property Purchase. Motion carried 6-0. 
173.   Public Comment: President Hintsala presented the 2003 Safe and Drug Free Schools Award of Excellence to Police Officer Jay Frusti.  No action necessary.
174.   Motion by F. Collins, supported by V. Paulson, to approve the following minutes as
         March 17, 2003, Regular Board Meeting
         March 24, 2003, Special Meeting
         March 24, 2003, Closed Session
         March 24, 2003, Executive Session
         Motion carried 6-0.
174.   Motion by A. Gischia, supported by D. Rice, to approve the consent items with the following addition:  C. Athletic DirectorÕs Report.  Motion carried 6-0.
176.   Payment of Bills and Financial Reports
A.    Motion by V. Paulson, supported by M. Saari, to approve payment of bills totaling $220,299.86.  Motion carried 6-0.
B.    Received the financial report from the Administrative Aide for Finance, Lorraine  Johnson.
177.   Written reports were received from the Athletic Director, Community Education Director, and Health Coordinator.  Oral reports were given by Bob Bonetti, High School Principal, Ron  Saari, Lakeview School Principal, Paulette Patron, Special Education Coordinator and Superintendent Derocher. 
178.   Correspondence:
Received a letter from the Citizens Committee of Negaunee.
179.   Old Business - None
A.    High School Teacher, Kevin Bell, and Negaunee High School students, Adam Kauppila and Ben Stanaway demonstrated the CAD software program used by the students working in conjunction with the City of Negaunee.                                                                                                                  
B.    Superintendent Derocher informed the Board of an award notice from MASB for the cooperative instruction program between Kevin BellÕs Industrial Education classes and the 5th grade classes at Lakeview Elementary.  Board members were invited to attend a dinner and  Education Excellence Award presentation on May 13th. No action necessary.
C.    Safe and Drug Free Schools Award of Excellence presentation done during public comment.  
D.    Motion by A. Gischia, supported by M. Saari, to approve the Regular School Election Resolution.  Motion carried 6-0.
E.    Superintendent Derocher informed the Board of the three (3) candidates running for  election on June 9th.  The individuals are as follows:  Art Gischia and Dave Rice have filed petitions for the two (2) open four-year positions.  Osmond T. Kemp has filed a petition for the open one-year position.  No action necessary.    
F.     The Board reviewed the first reading on the following Board Policies updates:  2260, 3122, 4122, 4162, 4170, 5330, 8431, and 8453.  No action necessary.
G.    Motion by V. Paulson, supported by D. Rice, to award the three-year asbestos re-inspection bid to ARM Industrial & Environmental in the amount of $1,975.00. Motion carried 6-0.
H.    Motion by A. Gischia, supported by V. Paulson, to award the picture bid to Enstrom Studio for the 2003-04 school year.  Motion carried 6-0.
I.  Motion by F. Collins, supported by M. Saari, to approve a total increase of $25.00 for Segment I and Segment II of the Drivers Education Program. Motion carried 6-0. 
181. Public Comment - None
182.   Other Business - None 
183.   Motion by M. Saari, supported by F. Collins, to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. Motion carried 6-0.
             ______________________________                ________________________________
         Dan Hintsala, President                                                                 Fae Collins, Secretary