Negaunee Public Schools
May 15, 2006
Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
the Board of Education, Negaunee Public Schools, City of Negaunee, County of
Marquette, and State of Michigan, held May 15, 2006, at the Negaunee High
School Library, starting at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Fae Collins, Dan Hintsala, Osmond T. Kemp, Virginia Paulson, Martin Renaldi, Dave Rice, and Martin Saari
Member Absent: None
Administrators Present:
James Derocher, Superintendent
Bob Trebilcock, Middle School
Joe Meyskens, Interim Principal at
Lakeview School
Mary Kay Johnson, Administrative
Aide for Finance
Julie Dompierre, Recording Secretary
169. The meeting was called to order by President Dan Hintsala at 7:00 p.m.
170. A quorum of the board was established.
171. Motion by F. Collins, supported by M. Saari, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
172. Public Comment:
Coduti and Patty Gagnon informed the Board members that an Alumni Association
was in the process of being created and that a grant had been applied for to
defray the startup costs. Targeted
members for this Association would be former staff members and students.
Association would try to raise funds, from its members, and in turn use the
monies collected to help the Negaunee Public Schools. They are asking to use the districtÕs bulk mailing permit
and mentioned a donation of paper to create a bi-annual newsletter. The newsletter would also be linked to
the districtÕs website.
members approved of this
organization, however, the Superintendent will need to determine what postal
restrictions pertain to the use of the DistrictÕs bulk mailing permit.
173. Motion by M. Renaldi, supported by V.
Paulson, to approve the minutes of the
Board Meeting and Closed Session
held on April 26th, and the Special Meeting held on May 4,
2006. Motion carried 7-0.
174. Motion by M. Saari, supported by O. Kemp, to approve the consent items as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
175. Payment of Bills and Financial Reports
A. Motion
by D. Rice, supported by O. Kemp, to approve the payment of bills totaling
$531,001.07. Motion carried 7-0.
B. Received
the Financial Report from the Administrative Aide for Finance, Mary Kay
176. A written report was received from the Community Education Director. Oral reports were received from Bob Trebilcock, Middle School Principal, Joe Meyskens, Interim Principal at Lakeview School, and Superintendent Derocher.
177. Correspondence - None
178. Old
Business - None
179. New Business:
A. Motion by V. Paulson, supported by F. Collins, to schedule the Annual Budget Hearing Meeting which will be held on June 19th, beginning at
6:30 p.m. the Regular Board Meeting will follow. The Board also scheduled the Re-organizational Meeting to be held on Wednesday, July 19th, starting at 7:00 p.m., the Regular Board Meeting will follow. Motion carried 7-0.
B. Superintendent Derocher informed the Board of the official election results, which indicated Fae Collins received 309 votes and Marty Saari received 293 votes. Superintendent Derocher informed the Board that the Headlee Override passed with 255 votes yes and 86 votes no. No action necessary.
C. The Board received the first reading on the following Board
Policy updates/revisions: 0100, 1220, 2271, 2623, 2700, 3120, 3120.04, 3121,
3121.01, 3140, 4120, 4120.04, 4121, 4121.01, 4140, 5330, 5460, 7434, 8210,
8310, 8400, and 8510.
Derocher discussed the Wellness CommitteeÕs recommendations/revisions to the
Wellness Policy. No action
Motion by F. Collins, supported by D. Rice, to
approve the resolution for the district to participation in Section 105 Schools
of Choice program for the 2006-07 school year. The administration will list publicly the available openings
of each grade level. Roll call
vote 7 ayes – 0 nays.
E. Motion by M. Renaldi, supported by V. Paulson, to pass the resolution affirming that the Latch Key Program, at Lakeview Elementary School, is in compliance as required by Public Act 116 of 1973 as amended. Roll call vote 7 ayes – 0 nays.
F. Motion by V. Paulson, supported by M. Saari, to approve the
awarding of diplomas, pending completion of all requirements per Board Policy. Bob Bonetti, High School Principal, submitted a list of 119 students. Motion carried 7-0.
G. A motion was made by M. Renaldi, to vote on the Girls Varsity Basketball position as a separate item from the list of Schedule B appointments. This motion failed due to lack of support.
Motion by D. Rice, supported by V. Paulson, to approve the following Schedule B appointments:
Varsity Football: Paul Jacobson Head Coach
Kevin Jacobson Assistant Coach
Marana Assistant Coach
JV Football: Kevin Bell Head Coach
Skewis Assistant
Kyle Bell Volunteer
Freshmen Football: Jeff Niemi Head Coach
OÕDonnell Assistant Coach
School: Steve
LaJoie Head 7th & 8th Grade
Lander Assistant
LaJoie Assistant
Kyle Heikkila Assistant
Basketball: Gregg
Nelson Varsity
Sager JV Coach
Byron Nelson Freshman To Be Announced 8th Grade
Bobbi Ayotte 7th Grade
Girls Tennis: Greg Casperson Head Coach
Saari Assistant Coach
Cheerleading Football: Amy
Pringle Head
Ashley Nault Assistant
M.S. Cheer 7th & 8th: Sara Hicks Head Coach
Leslie Hicks Assistant
Cara Skewis Assistant
Cross Country Lisa Bigalk Head Coach
Motion carried 7-0. M. Renaldi asked that it be noted in the minutes that he has concerns regarding the Girls Varsity Basketball appointment.
H. Motion by O. Kemp, supported by M. Saari, to grant Tristan Palomaki, Negaunee Middle School Counselor, a one-time option, to take 30 days of half-time pay for a leave of absence. Motion carried 7-0.
I. Superintendent Derocher informed the Board he had received a letter of retirement from Paulette Patron, Lakeview Elementary Principal. No action necessary.
J. Superintendent Derocher discussed a change in duties for Lynne Miettinen for the 2006-07 school year she will become the DistrictÕs Special Education and Title I Coordinator. Other staffing changes were also discussed.
Motion by F. Collins, supported by D. Rice, to appoint Paul Jacobson to the part-time Assistant Principal/Teaching position at the Middle School. PaulÕs salary will be $57,000. Motion carried 7-0.
Motion by F. Collins, supported by V. Paulson, to allow the Superintendent to post the following positions for the 2006-07 school year:
¯ Principal at Lakeview Elementary School
¯ Part-time Assistant Principal/Specials Teacher at Lakeview Elementary School
¯ A part-time Science Teacher, certified in grades 7th-12th.
Motion carried 7-0.
K. Motion by M. Renaldi, supported by D. Rice, to approve the salary recommendations made by the Administrative Committee for non-union staff members. Motion carried 7-0.
180. Public Comment – None
181. Other Business – None
182. Motion by V. Paulson, supported by M. Saari to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 p.m. Motion carried 7-0.
Dan Hintsala, President Virginia Paulson, Secretary