Negaunee Public Schools

June 16, 2008


Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Negaunee Public Schools, City of Negaunee, County of Marquette, and State of Michigan, held on June 16, 2008, at the

Negaunee High School Library.


Members Present: Fae Collins, Dan Hintsala, Osmond T. Kemp, Virginia Paulson, Martin Renaldi, Dave Rice and Martin Saari

Member Absent:          None   


Administrators Present:

James Derocher, Superintendent

Bob Bonetti, Principal, Negaunee High School

Dan Skewis, Principal, Negaunee Middle School

Joe Meyskens, Principal, Lakeview Elementary School

Mary Kay Johnson, Administrative Aide for Finance

Julie Dompierre, Recording Secretary


197.     The public Budget Hearing was called to order by President Martin Renaldi at 6:30 p.m.


198.     The Budget Hearing was adjourned at 6:51 p.m.         


199.     The regular board meeting was called to order by President Martin Renaldi at 6:51 p.m.


200.     A quorum of the board was established.


201.     Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by F. Collins, to approve the agenda with the following addition: 204. Consent Items, F. Health CoordinatorŐs Report. Motion carried 7-0.


202.     Public Comment:


John Ennett thanked the Board and school employees for maintaining a great school system. He also spoke to the Board concerning his grandson, who will be attending Lakeview School, and the childŐs peanut allergies.


President Renaldi informed Mr. Ennett that the Board will be discussing this subject at the July Board meeting.


203.     Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by M. Saari, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held on May 20, 2008, and the special meeting held on June 9, 2008. Motion carried 7-0.


204.     Motion by D. Rice, supported by O. Kemp, to approve the consent items as presented. Motion carried 7-0.


205.     Payment of Bills and Financial Reports


            A. Motion by V. Paulson, supported by D. Hintsala, to approve payment of bills totaling

            $463,043.31. Motion carried 7-0.


B. Received the Financial report from the Administrative Aide for Finance, Mary Kay




206.     Written reports were received from the, Community Education Director, Health Coordinator, Athletic Director and SHINE Coordinator. Oral reports were received from Bob Bonetti, High School Principal, Dan Skewis, Middle School Principal, Joe Meyskens, Lakeview School Principal, and James Derocher, Superintendent.


207.     Correspondence:


A letter of retirement was received which is included in Item 209 - L. Letter of Retirement.


208.     Old Business:


A.  Motion by F. Collins, supported by M. Saari, to adopt the following new/revised Board Policy numbers: 0142.4, 0151, 0152, 1411, 3211, 3430.01, 4211, 4430.01, 5460, 6520, 7434, and 8210 as presented. Motion carried 7-0.


209.     New Business:


A. Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by D. Rice, to approve the amended 2007-08 General Fund Budget as follows: Anticipated revenues totaling $12,050,987 and anticipated expenditures of $12,222,342. Roll call vote 7ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.


      Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by D. Rice, to approve the amended 2007-08 Athletic Fund Budget as follows: Anticipated revenues totaling $365,277 and anticipated expenditures of $365,277. Roll call vote 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.


Motion by F. Collins, supported by V. Paulson, to approve the amended 2007-08 School Lunch Budget as follows: Anticipated revenues totaling $487,905 and anticipated expenditures of $487,905. Roll call vote 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.


B.    Motion by D. Rice, supported by O, Kemp, to adopt the 2008-09 General Fund Budget as follows: Forecast revenues totaling $12,132,690 and expenditures projected of $12,332,248. Roll call vote 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.


Motion by F. Collins, supported by D. Hintsala, to adopt the 2008-09 Athletic Fund Budget as follows: Forecast revenues totaling $348,882 and expenditures projected of $348,882. Roll call vote 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.


Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by V. Paulson, to adopt the 2008-09 School Lunch Budget as follows: Forecast revenues totaling $505,296 and expenditures projected of $505,296. Roll call vote 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.


          C. Motion by V. Paulson, supported by M. Saari, to adopt the Resolution to Borrow in        

the amount of $1,400,000. Roll call vote 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.


          D.  Motion by O. Kemp, supported by F. Collins, to set the 2008 tax rates as follows: Non-Homestead 17.3148 mills, Bond Debt 1.5414 mills, Sinking Fund 2.1469 mills, 2006 Bond Debt .4086 and Headlee Override Non-Homestead .6852 mills. Roll call vote 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.


          E.   Motion by F. Collins, supported by V. Paulson, to approve the continuation of the Powell Tuition Agreement for another 5 years. Motion carried 7-0.        


          F.   Motion by F. Collins, supported by V. Paulson, to approve the continued membership in the Michigan High School Athletic Association, (MHSAA.) Roll call vote 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried 7-0.


          G.  Motion by M. Saari, supported by D. Rice, to adopt the High School and Middle School Student Handbook changes as presented. The Student Handbook changes for Lakeview School will be presented at a later date. Motion carried 7-0.


H.  Motion by V. Paulson, supported by F. Collins, to approve setting the drivers education fees for the 2008-09 school year as follows: Segment I $325 and Segment II $50. Motion carried 7-0.


I.      Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by D. Rice, to set the hot lunch prices for the 2008-09 school year as follows:


Elementary: $1.90 for one, $9.50 for 5 tickets or 20 tickets for $35.00 for hot lunch $.80 for breakfast tickets


Secondary: $2.15 for one, $10.75 for 5 tickets or 20 tickets for $41.00 for hot lunch $1.00 for breakfast tickets


Adult: $3.25 per meal


Motion carried 7-0.


J.      Motion by D. Rice, supported by O. Kemp, to hire Kevin Mack as a Computer Technician for a 12-month position. Motion carried 7-0.


          K.                    Motion by V. Paulson, supported by M. Saari, to approve the following fall Schedule B positions:


                                   Marcia Paquette           Flag Corp Director

                                    Connie Heinlein           High School Bowl

                                    Connie Heinlein           High School Forensics

                                    Connie Heinlein           High School Student Council

                                    Kevin Jacobson            Class Advisory – 9th Grade

                                    Todd Backlund            Class Advisory - 10th Grade

                                    Kathy Alexander          Class Advisory – 11th Grade

                                    Marius Grazulis            Class Advisory –12th Grade

                                    Gerald Anderson          Summer Music Advisor/ Director

                                    Gerald Anderson          Athletic Games

                                    Kathy Alexander          Pioneer

                                    Helen Grossman           National Honor Society

                                    Catherine Moilanen      Concert Orchestra

                                    Connie Lindblom         Special Group Vocal 7-12

                                    Dan Skewis                  Middle School Athletic Director ¼

                                    Paul Jacobson              Middle School Athletic Director ¾

                                    Abby Standerford        Middle School Forensics

                                    Tristan Palomaki          Middle School Forensics

                                    Kathy Gischia              Middle Yearbook

Michelle Lammi           Noon Duty      

Mark Churchill            Noon Duty

Suanne Trebilcock       Noon Duty

Pam Jacobson              Middle School Student Council


Motion carried 7-0.


L.         Superintendent Derocher informed the Board he had received two letters of retirement from the following employees: Lynne Miettinen, Special Education/ Title I Coordinator, and Donald Price, a Bus Driver. No action necessary.


          M.        Motion by D. Rice, supported by O. Kemp, to give the Superintendent permission to seek bids for carpeting at the Lakeview and High School. Motion carried 7-0.


210. Public Comment:


211. Other Business:


          Motion by F. Collins, supported by V. Paulson, to approve the hiring of a part-time Kindergarten Teacher. Motion carried 7-0.             


212.      President Renaldi adjourned the meeting at 8:31 p.m. Motion carried 7-0.





______________________________                                    ________________________________

Martin Saari, President                                    Fae Collins, Secretary