Negaunee Public Schools

July 15, 2002


Minutes of the Annual Reorganization Meeting of the Board of Education, Negaunee Public Schools, City of Negaunee, County of Marquette, and State of Michigan, held on July 15, 2002, at the Negaunee High School.


Members Present:  Fae Collins, Art Gischia, Dan Hintsala, George Kaiser, Virginia Paulson and Martin Saari.


Members Absent: None


Administrators Present:

James Derocher, Superintendent

Ron Saari, Lakeview Principal

Paulette Patron, Special Education Coordinator

Lorraine Johnson, Administrative Aide for Finance

Julie Dompierre, Recording Secretary


Others Present:  Erik Ekstrum, Misty Ellerbruch, William Ellerbruch, Osmond T. Kemp and Linda Pirhonen


1.      The meeting was called to order by Superintendent James Derocher at 7:00 p.m.

A.    A quorum of the board was established.


2.      Motion by F. Collins, supported by A. Gischia, to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried 6-0.


3.      Motion by V. Paulson, supported by F. Collins, to approve the minutes of the meeting held June 24, 2002 with the following change: 157 A. New Business - Student Discipline, the Motion carried as follows:  4 ayes, 1 nay and 1 abstained.  Motion carried 6-0.


4.      Election of officers for 2002-03.


A.    Motion by F. Collins, supported by A. Gischia, nominating Dan Hintsala for the Office of President.  Motion carried 6-0.  Motion by G. Kaiser, supported by V. Paulson, that the nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for Dan Hintsala.  Motion carried 6-0.


 B.   Motion by M. Saari, supported by G. Kaiser, nominating Art Gischia for the Office of Vice President.  Motion carried 6-0.  Motion by F. Collins, supported by M. Saari, that the nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for Art Gischia.  Motion carried 6-0.


C.    Motion by A. Gischia, supported by V. Paulson, nominating Fae Collins for the Office Secretary.  Motion carried 6-0.  Motion by A. Gischia, supported by M. Saari that the nominations be closed and a unanimous ballot be cast for Fae Collins.  Motion

       carried 6-0.


D.    Motion by F. Collins, supported by  A. Gischia, nominating Marty Saari for the Office of Treasurer and a unanimous ballot be cast for Marty Saari.  Motion carried 6-0.


5.      Motion by F. Collins, supported by V. Paulson, that Board member salaries be set at $30 per meeting, with a maximum of 52 meetings per year, according to Board Policy #0152, to be paid on an annual basis.  Motion carried 6-0.


6.      Motion by A. Gischia, supported by F. Collins, to appoint the Board members to various

          committees listed below:                                                     

 Text Box:        NEA	                      USWA	                MESPA	           Bus Driver
       Fae Collins   	       Virginia Paulson/Art Gischia           Dan Hintsala             Marty Saari
       Dan Hintsala	       Marty Saari	                                 George Kaiser           O.T. Kemp
        George Kaiser	        O.T. Kemp	                                 Fae Collins	   Art Gischia
      Reproductive Health       Citizens Advisory	     Administrative   
              George Kaiser                      Virginia Paulson               Virginia Paulson
                                                                                             Fae Collins
                                                                                             George Kaiser 
             School Liaisons			
      Lakeview	       Virginia Paulson		
      Middle School      O.T. Kemp		
      High School	       Art Gischia

         Motion carried 6-0.


7.      Motion by G. Kaiser, supported by M. Saari, that the following financial institutions be named as official depositories for the Negaunee Public Schools:  First National Bank of Negaunee, Superior Iron Range Community Credit Union, Wells Fargo Bank, Edward D. Jones, and the Michigan Liquid Asset Fund.  Motion carried 6-0.


8.      Motion by G. Kaiser, supported by M. Saari, Superintendent James Derocher, was named as the authorized signature of accounts, with Lorraine Johnson, Administrative Aide for Finance, as a second signature of accounts.  Motion carried 6-0.


9.      Motion by V. Paulson, supported by F. Collins, that the regular Board meetings for the school year 2002-03 be held on the third Monday of the month, unless a modification is necessary.  Motion carried 6-0. 


10.    Motion by M. Saari, supported by F. Collins, to designate the Executive Secretary to post notices of the board meetings.  Motion carried 6-0.


11.    Motion by G. Kaiser, supported by M. Saari, to appoint the Administrative Aide for Finance to supervise elections.  Motion carried 6-0.


12.    Public Comment -


         Erik Ekstrum addressed the Board with concerns of 4th and 5th grade class sizes. 


13.    Motion by F. Collins, supported by A. Gischia, to approve the consent items as presented.  Motion carried 6-0.


14.    Payment of Bills and Financial Reports


A.      Motion by M. Saari, supported by G. Kaiser, to approve the payment of bills in the amount of $59,595.66.  Motion carried 6-0.


B.      Received the Financial Report from the Administrative Aide for Finance, Lorraine Johnson.


15.    Administrative Reports:


         A written report was received from Community Education. Oral reports were given by  Bob Bonetti, High School Principal, Ron Saari, Lakeview Elementary School Principal, Paulette Patron, the Special Education Coordinator, and Superintendent Derocher.


16.    Correspondence - None        


17.    Old Business


         A.      Motion by F. Collins, supported by A. Gischia, to approve the updates and revisions to

                   the following Board Policy numbers:  0160, 2423, 3120.09, 3242, 3362, 4120.09, 4362,

                   5517, 6520, 8210, 8320, and 8350.  Motion carried 6-0.


18.    New Business:


   A.  Motion by A. Gischia, supported by M. Saari, to appoint Osmond T. ÒSpikeÓ Kemp to fulfill the remaining 12 month vacancy created by M. Lenten.  At this juncture O. Kemp was also asked to serve on the various committees held by M. Lenten. The board member  position will then be filled in the June , 2003 election.  Motion carried 6-0.


   B.  The Board received a presentation on plans to reorganize Lakeview School for the 2002-03 school year from Paulette Patron and Ron Saari.  A question and answer session followed.  No action necessary         


   C.   Motion by  F. Collins, supported by G. Kaiser,  to continue membership in the MASB and MASB Legal Fund for 2002-03 school year.  Motion Carried 7-0.


   D.  Motion by V. Paulson, supported by M.  Saari, to continue membership in the School   

          Equity Caucus for the 2002-03 school year.  Motion carried 7-0.


 E.  Motion by F. Collins, supported by V. Paulson, to approve a donation of the Pineview     

       School flagpole to the Negaunee Fire Department.


       Approved donating the playground equipment to Richmond Township.  The Board requested that Superintendent Derocher request from Richmond Township a written waiver absolving the school district of any liability from use of the playground equipment and the re-installation of the equipment at its new location.  Motion carried 7-0.


  F. Superintendent Derocher informed the Board of the resignation of Darrell Congdon, High   

      School custodian.  With this resignation, Randy Cardew will be taken off lay-off status. 

      Superintendent Derocher also discussed various transfers within the custodial staff.  No

      action necessary.


 G. Superintendent Derocher notified the Board of the resignation of Dave Rose, Hockey

      Coach and procedures that are being taken to replace Mr. Rose.  No action necessary


19.  Public Comment :


        Erik Ekstrum thanked the Board and staff for their time and concern over 4th and 5th grade classroom sizes.  He also inquired on what parents could do to help out at school.


20.  Other Business


       A.  Motion by M. Saari, supported by F. Collins, to move into executive session for        

             contract negotiations of the Michigan-Negaunee Education Support Personnel

             Association (MESPA) at 8:25 p.m.  Motion carried 7-0. The Board reconvened into

             open session at 8:34 p.m.


            Motion by G. Kaiser, supported by M. Saari, to approve the three year contract with the

            Michigan-Negaunee Education Support Personnel Association, July 1, 2002 through

            June 30, 2005 as recommended by the MESPA Board Negotiating Committee.  Motion

            carried 7-0.


21.  Motion by A. Gischia, supported by M. Saari to adjourn the meeting at 8:38 p.m.  Motion carried 7-0.







_______________________________        ________________________________

         Dan Hintsala, President                                    Fae Collins, Secretary