Negaunee Public Schools

August 18, 2008

Minutes of the Regular Meeting, of the Board of Education, Negaunee Public Schools, City of Negaunee, County of Marquette, and State of Michigan, held on August 18, 2008, at the Negaunee Middle School Library.


Members Present: Fae Collins, Dan Hintsala, Osmond T. Kemp, Virginia Paulson,

Martin Renaldi, Dave Rice, and Martin Saari

Member Absent: None


Administrators Present:

James Derocher, Superintendent

Bob Bonetti, High School Principal

Dan Skewis, Middle School Principal

Joe Meyskens, Lakeview Elementary School Principal

Mary Kay Johnson, Administrative Aide for Finance

Julie Dompierre, Recording Secretary


227.     The meeting was called to order by President Martin Renaldi at 7:00 p.m.


228.     A quorum of the board was established.


229.     Motion by F. Collins, supported by D. Hintsala, to approve the agenda with the following additional items: 237. New Business – I. Schedule B Appointments, J. Field Trip Request, K. Window Coverings, and L. Surplus Equipment. Motion carried 7-0.


230.     Public Comment:


Cheyenne Chapman, a high school student and member of the Global Awareness Committee, informed the Board that the Committee would be willing to fundraise in order to make recycling affordable throughout the district. She suggested a possible match from the school district for monies they raise.


The Board members discussed the recycling issue and then advised Superintendent Derocher to search, within the community, for a possible loading dock/facility that could be used for paper recycling.


President Renaldi along with other members of the Board thanked the students and commended them for their efforts in this cause.


231.     Motion by V. Paulson, supported by D. Rice, to approve the regular Board meeting and executive session minutes from the July 21, 2008, meeting. Motion carried 7-0.


232.     Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by M. Saari, to approve the consent items as presented. Motion carried 7-0.


233.     Payment of Bills and Financial Reports


A.        Motion by D. Rice, supported by O. Kemp, to approve the payment of bills totaling $427,147.76. Motion carried 7-0.


B.             Received the Financial Report from the Administrative Aide for Finance, Mary Kay Johnson.


234.     A written report was received from the Community Education Director. Oral reports were received from Bob Bonetti, High School Principal, Dan Skewis, Middle School Principal, Joe Meyskens, Lakeview Elementary School Principal, and Superintendent Derocher.


            At this juncture, a motion by D. Hintsala, supported by M. Saari, to approve the seeking of bids, not to exceed $10,450.00, to improve/repair/replace the fence at the Administration Office, with money from the Sinking Fund. Motion

carried 7-0.


Motion by O. Kemp, supported by D. Rice, to award the electrical bid to Frailing Electric for welding equipment installation at the High School. The funding for the bid, in the amount of $14,900, will come from the Sinking Fund. Motion carried 7-0.


235.     Correspondence – none


236.     Old Business:


A.       Motion by V. Paulson, supported by O. Kemp, to adopt the following Board Policy changes: 0412.3 and 5113.01. Motion carried 7-0.


237.     New Business:


            A.        Motion by F. Collins, supported by D. Hintsala, to adopt the Bond Authorizing Resolution allowing for the 2008 School Building and Site Bonds, Series II in the amount of $3,005.00. Roll call vote 7 ayes and 0 nays. Motion carried.


            B.        The Board and Superintendent Derocher discussed sending a member of the Board to the MASB Fall Leadership Conference. No action taken.


C.        Motion by V. Paulson, supported by D. Rice, to award the following lowest bids for the 2008-09 school year. The dairy bid to Jilbert Dairy and the bakery bid to Sara Lee Bakery. Motion carried 7-0.


D.        After a brief discussion a motion was made by V. Paulson, supported by F. Collins, to award the waste removal bid to North Country Disposal as presented. Motion carried 7-0.


E.         Motion by F. Collins, supported by M. Saari, to ratify the three-year contract, as negotiated, with the MESPA support staff union. Motion carried 7-0.


F.         Motion by M. Saari, supported by D. Rice, to approve the substitute employee pay rates for the 2008-09 school year as follows:


Teacher            $60.00 per day

Bus Driver      $11.00 per hour

Secretary         $ 7.40 per hour

Custodian        $ 8.75 per hour

Aide                $ 7.40 per hour


Motion carried 7-0.


G.        Superintendent Derocher informed the Board that he had received a letter of retirement from Darla Borlace, a food service employee. No action necessary.         


H.        Motion by F. Collins, supported by O. Kemp, to approve the hiring of the following individuals:


                        Nicole Codutti, as a full-time Kindergarten Teacher

                        Cindy Kendall, as a part-time Specials Teacher

                        Michelle Anderson, as an one hour Specials Teacher


            Motion carried 7-0.


I.        Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by F. Collins, to approve the following Schedule B positions:


                        Brad Saatio and Bill Barrette as 7th and 8th grade Football Coaches


            Motion carried 7-0.


J.         Motion by F. Collins, supported by D. Hintsala, to approve the field trip request from Gerald Anderson, Band Director, to take the Marching ÒMinerÓ Band to Minneapolis, MN over winter break. Motion carried 7-0.


K.        Motion by V. Paulson, supported by O. Kemp, to approve the bid to purchase window coverings from MerrickÕs in the amount of $12,130.49. NICE Community Schools will reimburse the district for their portion of the bill, which will be $5,683.04. Motion carried 7-0.


L.         Motion by D. Hintsala, supported by V. Paulson, to accept the purchase bid from Kalamazoo Metal Recyclers in the amount of $2,136 for one 1995 International/Thomas surplus school bus. Motion carried 7-0.


238.    Public Comment:


            Coleen Allan, MESPA Union President, thanked the Board for ratifying the MESPA contract.


                  239.     Other Business - None           


240.     President Renaldi adjourned the meeting at 9:18 p.m.






_______________________________          ________________________________

Martin Renaldi, President                                   Virginia Paulson, Secretary